Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

Sunday is Mother's Day - one of my favorite days of the year. I love that there is an entire day that is supposedly devoted to me (and all moms). I love that I can choose how to spend the day with my family. I love that they try so very hard to ensure my happiness on that day more than any other of the year. I love that I will be able to go on my training walk without feeling any guilt - it is Mother's Day afterall and it is what I want to do :)

In spite of all the love that we all feel around Mother's Day, we can't forget that one person is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes in the United States. This statistic represents our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, friends, and loved ones.

In honor of Mother's Day, I invite you to donate just $8, representing the 1 in 8 women in the United States that will experience a breast cancer diagnosis. It may not seem like a lot, but your donation would put us at least $8 closer to finding a cure. And best of all... it honors the moms in your life.

If you would like to donate, please go to and click on donate. Thank you - together we can make a difference this Mother's Day!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Busy weekend!

Not only did I walk 6 miles this weekend (only 3 miles each day... no big deal really!), but we celebrated my oldest daughter's first communion, hosted a baby shower for a friend, and went to a bbque to visit with yet more friends! It was busy to say the least!!

Busy and fast. I find that walking with friends makes the walks go faster. While spending 3 miles by myself isn't really that big a deal... walking 15 miles by myself with only my thoughts is L-O-N-G! I know because I've BTDT. Walking with team mates and/or friends also helps to keep me motivated to walk. Right now it is easy, but come July and August my motivation to walk tends to taper off a bit. I'm guessing that with 7 other team mates I'll get my walks in because someone should always be available, right?!

On Saturday morning I was dispensing words of 3-day wisdom, because I have tons, to my team mates who at least acted happy to hear it :) Important things that you wouldn't know if you haven't walked it before like:

1. You will never see a cleaner port-a-potty in your life. After 3 days of using them you will forget that they are normally disgusting outhouses that you want to avoid at all costs! Until you visit one that is not part of the 3-day and then you vow never to do it again :)

2. After 3 days of using beautifully clean and decorated port-a-potties at least 50 times each day/night, you will forget to flush the toilet in your house more than you will want to admit on your first day home!

3. Uncrustables are the best food in the world - at least when you are walking 60 miles. I have not tested that theory in the real world.

4. After you walk the 3-day you must remember that when people are honking they are not honking "for" you to cheer you on... they are honking "at" you because you've pissed them off! Once you finish the 3-day you will no longer have people cheering you on at every turn :)

5. Tractor trailer showers are really awesome! Just be sure to eat before you shower... you MUST eat before you shower or you risk feinting in the shower and being carried out in your birthday suit to medical by a male crew member... do not forget to eat first :)

6. You will get blisters, lose a toe nail or some equally disgusting thing will happen before all is said and done. But I promise it will all heal and you'll want to do it all over again (or am I the only crazy one?!).

7. You will be able to sleep in a little pink tent on a small air mattress. After 24 miles you won't even remember falling asleep, going to the bathroom at least 3 times or hearing the hundreds of snoring people around you!

8. You will cry during the event. I don't care if you never cry about anything... you will cry at some point during this 3-day journey. I lost count of the number of times I cried during the 2008 walk. It is overwhelming in a good way, satisfying and amazing.

9. Find clothes that work for you... I prefer wicking everything (even underwear)! Make sure you test drive all clothing that you think you want to wear on the walk... chaffing is not comfortable!

10. If you have a training walk scheduled and it is raining... WALK! The 3-day goes on (unless there is lightning) even in the rain. You want to train in the rain to make sure you have gear that works for you! I know it sucks but in the end you'll be glad you did!

That's it for today... it is a rest day after all :)
Keep walking!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Safety First!

I'm trying to walk without using my iPod to keep me entertained. When I walk in the 3-day in October you are not allowed to use an iPod with earbuds - you can use it with speakers. You are also not allowed to use your cell phone on the route. You literally have to step off the route to make/receive a call or text. Like I tell my children, "safety first!".

It makes sense. We need to be able to hear traffic, directions and the conversations around us. This walk is a time to meet people, discover their journeys and soak it all up. This is not a time for "going into a bubble" and keeping yourself distracted. It is a HUGE part of doing a walk like this.

Of course it is easy to follow this rule when you are surrounded by other people. So far I've been walking by myself. I spend my time thinking about my to-do list, my dh's to-do list, what's for dinner (because my 2 older girls will ask me this question no fewer than 10 times once they get off the bus), praying and just soaking up the silence. But there are moments that I could use a good distraction like music. A good beat can keep you moving without realizing it! So, 3 miles is doable, but I will be thankful when my team mates are able to join me on the longer walks because walking with nothing but your own thoughts for 10+ miles is just a lot :)

Keep on walking!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A bit windy... but nice!

Pulling out my 3-day walking gear came with such great memories that I couldn't wait to get it all on and walk!

Hydration pack - check, dry-wick pants, shirt, long sleeve shirt - check, 3-day bubb - check (love this thing!), hair up - check, water - check, stretch - DOH! I knew I forgot something! Stretching is very important and let me assure y'all I will not forget that on Thursday!

I had time to think about my pending hair appointment. For those of you who don't know, I have vowed to dye one "strand" of my hair a dark pink for every $400 I raise. If I raise my personal goal of $5,000 by October I will dye all of my hair pink! I posted this information on Facebook this morning because I was $87 short of $1600 and I wanted 4 streaks to be even. Within 15 minutes I was over $1600 - a HUGE thanks to my friends this morning! On 5/8 I will be posting pictures of my new color... I'm a little nervous because quite honestly I'm just not that adventurous! But it is only hair and as so many cancer patients have heard... it will grow back. In my case it will grow out :) I'm also very excited because this cause is so near and dear to my heart... pink hair and raising at least $2,300 is the least I can do to show my support!

In the end my first 3 miles are done and I'm feeling great! I'm looking forward to my next 3 miles on Thursday in new sneakers - got to break them in!

Just keep walking!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Training begins...

To say that I am excited to begin training for the 3-day is an understatement. I started fundraising in January this time so I could fully enjoy training without worry! I am so happy that I am only $800 from reaching the minimum - I have no doubt I will raise it. Bigger on my mind is that I fully intend to reach my goal of $5,000 by October.

So, this week I will begin the journey with 12 miles. Before I even begin the first mile of the DC 3-day, 60 mile journey in October... I will have logged in 580 training miles! When it is all said and done I will have walked 640 miles in the fight against breast cancer... gives me goose bumps just thinking about it!!!!

I invite you to follow me as I train, fundraise and try to balance work and family all at the same time. At the very least it should be entertaining :)

If you would like to donate to my fundraising efforts please go to

Up next... 3 miles on a sunny Tuesday :) Or so the weather people promise :)